With the help of pistons and redstone the blocks are pushed to a certain point.
The wool blocks are pushed around in a circle with several pistons, so that in the end they form a stack.
You can put in TNT instead of wool, which is ignited on top and shot away.
What for?
When you can just take the block down and put it somewhere else?
Is there a point to this? Or were you just bored?
I find it very convenient
Why? What for?
full -- I think that's USELESS!!!and practical??? Practical??? THAT'S PRACTICAL???
06/22/2014 12:46 matthi94
full -- I think that's USELESS!!!and practical??? Practical??? THAT'S PRACTICAL???
the practical benefit only comes when you combine this with a tree farm,
in which the trees are automatically "removed" and replanted
the wood is stored in a large lump in one place, as it cannot yet be broken down automatically
but it works
this is not of great use, but it is a good idea.