A non-functional, large robot with vines as decoration and two entrances at the feet.
You can also build yourself a whole apartment in this robot or build in a big Minecraft city to represent an attack, plus you can add tanks and other military vehicles to it to make it more effective 😉
not really pretty even as decoration. i don't see any sense in this idea either.
if you can already go inside, pictures from the inside would be better
Couldn't a robot be made better with parts made of iron and redstone than gold and diamonds?
Looks like an incompetent Spongebob...
...no. Dislike.
Bigiboss: how long have you been playing minecraft? i have a premonition 😛
If you'd chosen the tower behind it as an idea, at least there'd be a neutral....
But in my opinion, the robot is clearly made of the wrong materials, looks very clunky in shape, the head is not centered on the neck, and I honestly don't understand what lianas are doing on a evil giant robots ...to look for...
"Evil Giant Robot"
0815Julian The name says it all Bigiboss
Nothing exceptionally cool.. Pretty boring and not very pretty
this is one of the top ten ugliest buildings in the minecraft world. and looks like homer
Dude, stop complaining! He also just wanted to show that you can build that, and there are always people who want something like that
I think it is very good but I would like it better if you put more pictures here
nevertheless gives from me nen LIKE
Looks like a not so successful swamp monster.