Lighting that fits in the entrance hall of a hotel/villa.
It certainly looks nice.
So you need redstone lamps and redstone flares.Now build 2 blocks down in the floor and put redstone flares on the floor, then redstone lights come over. :D
I think everyone knows that
But like
Everyone should be able to build this and everyone should know it.
The send button had activated,here's the rest of the comment:Also, a redstone lamp in the ground is SO CREATIVE....
Why is something like that even uploaded
Apart from the fact that the floor of an entrance hall is very rarely GRAS :blink:....
...I don't think this is really an idea.
@FusselDesTodes it's just not ready yet.
Najaaa... Redstonelampen put in the ground is not really an idea.
I was rejected because of a huge theater and then something like this comes through?! Wtf these critics on this website I think sometimes!