A pass that leads through a mountain possibly ancient
To the hanging lights you could put holes or slits in the ceiling to gain more light and to improve the atmosphere.
Pillars hintun destruction effects and use several stones. As an absolute highlight you can make behind each column a dispenser filled with bats connected with a trip wire again to improve the atmosphere.
I like it.
I just wish there were more pictures.
I'm embarrassed but I don't know how to add more pictures (:
Looks cool!
@Miner In the grey bar there is an icon "Insert a picture".
A passport leads
via a mountain, not through it!!!
Idea: 3/5
Design: 4/5
Recommendation: 4/5
Rebuild: 4/5
Total: 15/20
That habbich actually knew but how else should I call it Ruinen Saal? (:
Very good 😀 Vll Abandoned Mountain Ruin 😀
@DasSheep20 A pass is mainly over the mountain, but there can be short passages through the mountain or small caves! ^^
@Raccoon Is it normal that in the pictures that you add in the description the graphics comes across so blurry?
Can you see the pictures well ?
Think so, but everything is clearly visible! ^^
I also recognize everything very well 😉
the plants detais COOOOOOL LIKE
The Achitecktur is COOOOOOL Like
the lighting ...COOOOOL Like
@Kenzo-Hernandez Thank you so much for liking it.
Ruins are my favorite (:
Really a damn good idea!