A large hotel

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=A large hotel"/>

A large hotel

A hotel fit for a beach?
It's very simple set up, and thus easy to replicate 🙂 .
However, in this picture unfortunately not yet finished.

Unfortunately I can't send you more pictures, because it's been a long, long time since I built it.
If you have any wishes what I should build you can write them to me in the comments. However, please no modern things, because that is not very good for me.
mfg Joh_sch


  1. The design was worked out by you very well, which always leads to a like with me. The division has been kept simple but refined. And the axis symmetrical pleases the Bertrachter but already very much when he sees this picture.
    Thumbs up for that!!!
    LG ball track builder8-)

  2. Wow, looks really impressive. I like the modern style. The diamond looks really cool too. LIKE from me.
    Ps: I would book a room in this hotel straight away for ten years, that's how great I like it.

  3. I like the design and also the DIamant in the middle ^^

    You have not random nen Fort parat or? Would have to build one on a MP server and have really no idea how I should build that with verteidiungsanlagen on the water etc =D