I built this little beach on a server with a handy breakwater, a campfire, beach towels, and loungers with an umbrella.
I'm personally unhappy with the palm tree in the background, so you don't need to criticize it, as I know I didn't succeed 😀 The same goes for the underwater plant, as I didn't find a nice shape. Otherwise, this is a small beach that I would have to terraform a bit myself, so that the walk to the water is pleasant for the visitors there 😉 Texturepack: Conquest
For the breakwater, I needed: foliage, mossy cobblestone, cobblestone steps and stairs, stoneI recommend using a lot of foliage and mossy cobblestones, especially further down, to make it look more realistic.
For the couches I needed: tropical wood stairs, tropical wood steps, oak wood fences, white carpet, threads
With the parasol, I have placed threads under the carpets so that you can place them, otherwise it would not be possible.
For the campfire, I needed: Lighter, Nethersteine, stone steps, tropical wood stairs.
For decoration I used: oak fences, torches, white carpet, sugar cane, tropical wood trunks, tropical leaves, cocoa beans (as coconuts) and sponges (for underwater plants).
I think it's good
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Yo, nice beach. Like! xD
@chiefmaster06 really now
Breakwater?????? I would have thought of that!
Good Idea!
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