Children playground

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Children playground"/>

Children playground

A playground to give the kids a nice day out in the fresh air.
-football field, trampoline, climbing wall, castle, tree house, benches

Football field:

Trampoline and climbing wall:

Castle and playhouse



Feedback is important to me! 

Should you have any suggestions for improvement then please write them in the comments so I can improve on the next idea!


  1. @iHostiiX oh so you mean I should have made some kind of plaster around the benches 😀 So they don't stand in the ground like that 😀 do I understand correctly?

  2. It works even better with /summon ArmorStand ~ ~ {Small:1, Rotation:[~f,0f], ShowArms:1, NoBasePlate:1}

    For the first f, use 0, 90, 180 or 270 for the rotation, depending on which direction the armor stand should face.

  3. @Spreidla can look at you yes times the video of SethBling (speaks English), explains actually really good. But otherwise you can also use the armorstand generator (website)

  4. Why Armor Stands anyway? Just use Baby Villager.

    /summon Villager ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName: "Spreidla",CustomNameVisible:1,Profession:0,Age:-2147483648,Invulnerable:1,NoAI:1}

    CustomName is the name that is displayed. You can easily change it.
    "CustomNameVisible:1" ensures that it is displayed.
    Profession is the "job" and thus influences the appearance. 0 is e.g. Farmer, 1 would be Librarian, goes up to 5 simply test.
    Age, there are given the ticks until the baby becomes an adult. The number "-2147483648" is the highest value. So it would take about 3 1/4 years. Should be enough 😀
    "Invulnarable 1" means you can't do them any damage so you can't just kill them.
    "NoAI 1" makes sure they can't run away.

  5. I love it.
    Good idea, very nicely implemented.

    In my opinion, it's also not a big deal at all that 2 different structural elements are made of the same type of wood. There were times when everything was made of oak.