Fruit crates for stands

These are decorative, though sadly useless, fruit crates that you can set up at market stalls etc.

Sleeping bag

Halfsteps around a bed create a sleeping bag look.

Big sheep

A large sheep made of wool. You can make it an apartment inside.

Coat hook

It is a small but nice decorative item that will fit in almost any home.

Tree House

A tree, as it is common in Minecraft, in scale 4:1 and habitable inside.

Day/Night - Input

This construction can be used to camouflage a cave entrance that is only visible at night (or during the day).


A cemetery with different types of graves and lots of decoration.

Large Falcon Jet

He's the king of planes.

Wall lighting

Wall of lava to light a room.

Destroyed house

An abandoned and destroyed house.