A barrier for a house or other. It can be used to replace a door.
Dig 2 blocks deep, then place sticky pistons with fences (iron bars, nether fences, walls or blocks) on top of them facing upwards.Place Redstone amplifiers behind the sticky pistons.
Behind the Redstone amplifiers, place Redstone that leads to a lever.
It's a good idea, but it doesn't look too good...
Neutral Rated, that also goes better. Unfortunately, not exactly so great when the fences are placed only below.
good idea!:)
Looks ugly because you see the top of the pistons
1.what does "siehr" mean?
Two. I can't go through there because of the fences.
3. it's cool, though.
Everybody knows that!
It goes much better, nicer and easier:
1. with iron doors
2. do the same again on top but mirror-inverted, i.e. the pistons point downwards and use some blocks instead of fences.