Monster trap with doors

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Monster trap with doors"/>

Monster trap with doors

Different variants of a trap for mobs consisting of a lithographic plate and 4 iron doors.

then the normal monster trap is ready and then you can still expand the trap


  1. An explanation of how this is supposed to work would be great - I can't imagine this working.
    And what's with the TNT there, if there's a monster on it it explodes or what - is pretty stupid since you can rebuild everything then.

    And how to expand that (as stated in the description)? More doors???

    I can only imagine that the monsters spawn above this apparatus, fall down here, the doors close and either burn ( lava ) or drown ( water ).
    But I find the effort much too big for that.
    Why don't you let the monsters take fall damage and use all the iron for funnels to collect the drops automatically????


  2. @Luckyluke : There are monster traps that work with water. The monsters fall into a moat, are flushed towards the "hole" and then fall down. On impact, they then die.

    That makes this whole apparatus of this idea futile