When you stand on the pressure plate in front of the door, the floor opens and you fall down.
1. make a hole 20 blocks deep and two blocks long in front of an iron door.![-](https://minecraft-bauideen.de/wp-content/uploads/Tuerfalle-1.jpg)
2. outside the door come two sticky Put the piston as shown in the picture. In front of it any two blocks, preferably the same as the bottom should be.
Put a block between the pistons. On it comes a redstone torch. On the bottom goes Redstone and on the top piston the same block as the bottom has. Put a redstone on the block of the lowest piston. To the block of wool comes another inverted normal Pistons.
Then fill up the entire bottom. So that the cob is no longer visible, it is best to make a wall or something similar around it.
5. in front of the door there is a pressure plate which activates the mechanism!
If an enemy now stands on it, he falls down until his death. If you want, you can of course also put funnels at the bottom of the floor that lead into boxes and thus collect all his items so that they do not despawn.
7. the only small negative is that you have to bring the mechanism back up to speed briefly, but this does not take long. After the release it looks like this:
After reactivation it should look like this again:
Have fun building and testing! :D
Copyright: Minecraft - The Fighter's Handbook - The Fighting 101 | Schneiderbuch Verlag | Page 60 - Trapdoor into Nothingness
Redstone-wise: well...
A few small changes, and it works without rebuilding.
Know in but OK!
Hmm, that is much easier and more effective to build, I think I have to do something like that. But since it wasn't your own idea, I can't give it a like, because I don't see any personal contribution here apart from the replica. I'm sorry about that.
I'm cool.)
Copyright: Minecraft - The Fighter's Handbook - The Fighting 101 | Schneiderbuch Verlag | Page 60 - Trapdoor into Nothingness[/quote]
So not your idea! 🙁 Also quite expensive for a hole trap