Terrain SUV

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Terrain SUV"/>

Terrain SUV

An off-road vehicle for off-road tracks.

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Another picture from behind and from the side
Here presents colleague Jurij Motors GmbH the new SUV for Minecraft =). Joking aside, here you can see him now a SUV to look at and build yourself.
Let's face it, it's really hard to build a car that is SLIPPING and SMALL... Not so easy...? Maybe I can help you with these SUV 😉


The car is built of Cobblestone where it is possible to add steps and stairs where exactly therefore the car looks sleek. Also to the roof carpet was used as a roof which makes the car even sleeker. As a front lamp I had to use Glowstone because Redstone lamps take too much space because of the Redstone and so... As a car door it is ok to take normal doors. The wheels are made of carbon blocks and stone buttons... The side mirrors are glass panes that stick to the side of the car windows. The car signs are as you see it from signs ^^ And in the back still a spare wheel