oh not really ... theoretically you only have to pull a few fences and build a few buildings ...
difficult is only when you do that in survival, because of all the animals ^^
Bats you can also "keep" if it is dark enough otherwise just have enough light, is usually enough so that they do not spawn first
Squids are unfortunately a bischen problematic ... mostly spawn when enough water is available ... otherwise with dispensers by pressing a button ... is just n bischen doof 😀
snowmen are in there, unfortunately you can not see on the picture, sry
Other method: Tamed cats with ocelot design with the command /summon ocelot ~ ~ {Owner:Sitting:1}
spawn. After Owner: you need to enter your Minecraft name
Must be a lot of work to build something like that, huh?
oh not really ... theoretically you only have to pull a few fences and build a few buildings ...
difficult is only when you do that in survival, because of all the animals ^^
Aso. ok. Cool! 😉
Cool idea! How long did you need?
how do you make it so the bats and squids don't just disappear?
What do you actually have in that enclosure with snow?
see last post 🙂
Bats you can also "keep" if it is dark enough otherwise just have enough light, is usually enough so that they do not spawn first
Squids are unfortunately a bischen problematic ... mostly spawn when enough water is available ... otherwise with dispensers by pressing a button ... is just n bischen doof 😀
snowmen are in there, unfortunately you can not see on the picture, sry
And against the Despawnen also helps naming. In an emergency also with the kind
yes, that goes yes since the vorletztn patch ... but it can now also be added new animals ... rabbits and the rainbow sheep 😀
But snow golems die when it rains, right?
yes unfortunately ... you have to stop n roof drüeber baun or something ^^
unfortunately I also noticed only later 😀
I have now solved the problems with wolves, wildcats and squids with spawners.
Joa so it goes of course also 😀
Oh with naming the despawn not? I also often wanted to build nen zoo and the wild cats are always despawnt 😀
Eigenlich a very cool idea
thank you 🙂
with the 1.8 update now even more animals can live in the zoo ^^
Other method: Tamed cats with ocelot design with the command /summon ocelot ~ ~ {Owner:Sitting:1}
spawn. After Owner: you need to enter your Minecraft name
you can of course also do
Really cool idea 🙂
The enclosures are really creative! Find the wolf enclosure beautifully designed (From what you can see in the picture now!)
Nice idea! Like! 🙂
Thank you so much 🙂
Great idea!
Now you can do yes with update 1.10 into the snow enclosure polar bears 😉
Oha really beautiful!!! 😍😍