Wall of lava to light a room.
Make a passage up a bucket of lava and then Glass or barriers (give name barrier) in front of it.
For those who don't know, barriers become invisible when you put them down.
Wall of lava to light a room.
Make a passage up a bucket of lava and then Glass or barriers (give name barrier) in front of it.
For those who don't know, barriers become invisible when you put them down.
But if you build that into a house, you'd have to make the walls three blocks thick...
@matthi94: just read the instructions....
zweisamenzwei Matthi94 is right after all
you need yes INSIDE and OUTSIDE a wall so that it does not look shitty from the inside and outside. since I prefer to build nen Redstone light =)
"Light Lighting"...
Light level 14 is EASY?!
And that spelling...
This idea is so simple, I came up with it on my own, I find it quite uncreative.
I have to do better than that, it should be purely theoretical.
W/G/L/G/W due to flaring so the wall would be 5 thick
I built it in my basement!