A Roman sacrificial altar where animals are sacrificed as gifts to the gods.
You can design it the way you want.the cow on the screenshot is lying on its back. For this you have to call the animal "Grumm". As an ornament you can still make redstone as blood on the floor.
KRASSOMATE idea but the cow can move then or? you would need maybe a potion of slowness strength 255 you can aba only get with tooManyItems here
You can make the cow stop by making it "stupid".should go with the command /entitydata @e [type=Cow]{NoAI=1}.
or surrounded by fence!
Yeah, now you can also pray to Jachin-sama in Minecraft XD I find mega cool
Who's that?
It's a good idea.
then looked like she had a stick through the foot get but no matter xD
Sure looks cool too when lightning strikes (command)
or dinnerbown
I find nice ^^