A "working" chessboard with heads as pawns and banners for the other pieces.
Suggestion for the white side:
And for the black one:
A "working" chessboard with heads as pawns and banners for the other pieces.
Suggestion for the white side:
And for the black one:
Working ? But looks cool
is but certainly annoying e.g. nen head always smash and reset to have to make when you a train
It is certainly not as elegant as playing chess normally. But the banners are easily dismantled and the heads could also be replaced by banners, but then no longer looks so good. You just can't play blitz chess, and in a comfortable game you can also take the few seconds to remove the head.
Functioning means in this case that you can play on it and it is not just the loose board without pieces, but I know - it sounds a bit strange.
Great idea
It would be impossible to actually make it work. Sure, there are commands that could delete a block and put it somewhere else. But then you would need a command for every possible move and that would be just too many.
But if you're in creative mode, that's fast enough. In any case, a good idea.
In fact it would work with "only" about 4032 command blocks, you need for each of the 64fields on which a figure can stand 63move possibilities (can not stand still). The /clone command copies independently which block is there. However, this is still not feasible.
If you are fit in your head, you can enter the command manually for each move. (You can copy most of the command back into the chat bar with ^). But then you have to find a replacement for the banners, because they will probably lose their pattern.
If the block to be moved is on x y z and should be on a y b (the y-plane remains the same on the floor), the command is:
/clone x y z x y z a y b
If an opponent's piece was standing there, it is automatically removed.
Personally, however, I would prefer to dismantle the...
oh and afterwards you must not forget the deletion, so it would be 4096command blocks in the auto variant or in the manual one you would have to enter the command /setblock xyz minecraft:air.
Horny not bad like
It's okay.
The command would be /clone x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y3 z3 replace move
Oh well, thanks thebigsmileXD. So it is of course easier.
long time ago that was discussed here 😛
i had the idea today to build a working chess game and it would work with much less command blocks, because you don't need a command block for every single move, it works like this: first you choose the piece you want to move, it will be copied to a place outside the board. After that you choose where to move to. I call it the reference point and copy it there. so you need 64 x 2 command blocks for the actual game. Then add automatic reset and a few conveniences and you end up with about 150-200 command blocks.