Two identical interconnected towers with a waterfall on the facade.
To the 150 blocks large , has an area of 31×31 per tower !
Total construction time 24 h
Hay, have built 2 identsiche water skyscrapers. they are 100 % identical and hollow inside.
It is suitable for PvP. For Survival absolutely not suitable!
Why suitable for PvP? You could add another picture by day.
I like it, though. Like
why are they hollow inside, why not make a hotel or office building out of them.
and pictures during the day would be quite good
He posted it 10 seconds after this one :
Looks really cool at night, very funny during the day....
But you can put a thrower on top and let the water flow down from the very top.
24 hours for 2 hollow buildings?
@LinuxViki how do you know that?
@piicasso22 without worldedit yes, with dauerts vllt 10 min. max.
All Without Worldedit , They are hollow inside because it would be an extreme waste of time to make both exactly identical ^^