A decorative and functioning Coke machine that fits well in schools or other public buildings.
This Coke machine gives you a potion called "Coca Cola" when you click on "1 Coca Cola", which gives you speed.
First you need any two blocks, which are stacked on top of each other. On the upper block you hang a sign without text. To fill the sign with the text, place a command block in front of the lower block, which you can fill with the command /give @p command_block and fills it with the following command:/blockdata ~ ~1 ~ {Text1:"{text: "Coca Cola",bold: "true",color:white}",Text2:" ",Text3:" ",Text4:"{text: "1 Coca Cola",color:dark_red,clickEvent:{action: "run_command",value:"/give @p potion 1 12 {CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:1,Amplifier:4,Duration:800}], display:{Name: "Coca Cola"}}"}}
Now you execute the command block, for example by pressing a button, and can remove it again afterwards.
For decoration, you can also attach a frame to the bottom block to represent an output tray.
Thank you
How does that have anything to do with Redstone?
Rather with command blocks. You could also build a similar function without creative mode by adding a launcher, speed potions and a button.
So beautiful the automat is not but really cool idea like 🙂
Very simple, maybe it would be a little bigger with a glass screen even cooler!