If you can't find a suitable place to build a house, you can build it in a mountain.
If you can't find a place to build a house, take a mountain and dig as big a hole(area) as you feel comfortable with,I made several rooms,and an upper floor. With glass embellished and ready 😀
you need(to build it):Glass
A mountain(sounds funny :D)
(A pickaxe)(only in survival mode)
And what you want in your house ;)
nice !
maybe a few more pictures from the inside
Yes, I thought of that too but I do not know how it goes 😀
Thank you @Kaera02 🙂
Sorry, Dude, but you can't do that. Here is a hollow with glass in front of it, nothing more!
Dirt remains Dirt and is def. not the right material to build a home. btw: you have to jump to the entrance? Oh so for Halfsleps or Stairs is no more space in front of the lake.... ne not like Dislike.
is your opinion , there is a back exit 😉
There are Minecrafters who get excited about everything 😀
nice big house:D
There is unfortunately missing the IDEA, others have e.g. Redstone reingemacht with... Acuh too few pictures for a good rating.
with me no more pictures go purely and redstone deen are there about 2-6 drinne
@tinto FIRE S
thank you 😉
I can build this in 6 minutes
good for you
1.9 is soo cool 😀
If you can't build nice houses like I can, you just do it underground or in a mountain...