This is another small idea for a kitchen, as a small row.
I think most of it you can see in the picture, besides you can design the kitchen the way you like it best. =)
This kitchenette has:
- a refrigerator > consisting of a stone knob and quartz blocks
- an extractor hood > consisting of two redstone lamps, stone bricks and stone brick stairs
- a wash basin > consisting of a funnel and a hook
- many chests for storage
- two stoves
- many shelves, e.g. to store objects
Have fun perfecting it and trying it out! xD
not bad, but I have seen better. vllt a bit high but also a variant (for high rooms):)
I like the idea with the lapis blocks ^^
cool kitchen
A very nice idea for kitchens, especially for high and bright rooms.
Looks nice, just a little too high for my buildings.
– 127070
I think it's great 🙂