Rope for roasting animals

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Rope for roasting animals"/>

Rope for roasting animals

Animals are roasted on this rope as in the Middle Ages.

I had at the beginning over the fire an iron fence, which does not fit, however, to a kind of "spit". Then I played around a bit and this idea came out. I do not know if the idea already exists.


I tried it with a pig in this example, but I don't know if it looks better with other animals. Since you can't build in the pig's hit box after it spawns, you should finish it first. After that you need a command block (/give @p minecraft:command_block) which can only be used in creative mode. In the command block you write this command:
/summon Pig * * {Attributes:[{Name:generic.maxHealth,Base:999}],ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:1,Duration:999999}],Invulnerable:1,NoAI:1}
where the * are the coordinates where the pig should spawn. Then hang a line on the invisible pig and opposite the fence and your "spit" is ready.

1. if in the coordinates a "-" appears (e.g. x:-245) then you must, if you want to spawn something on this number again 1 subtract (-246), since (at least with me) it is added with Commands, which go in - direction one in addition. (The same with "/tp" "/fill")
2. you can only kill the pig with "/kill @e" afterwards, whereby you also kill yourself. Therefore you should have your spawn point nearby.
You can only use this command in creative mode or operator mode on a server. (Since Command Block)


  1. Well, actually, the meat was put on a skewer, not a rope. Try the command that you can find here in the video description: There's a more realistic campfire and other camping stuff.

    Also, /kill @e isn't really suitable since all entities, items and players die in the Minecraft world. Better would be e.g. /kill @e[type=Pig]. smile.png