A simple, small airship around steampunk style.
Is a very simple airship it is
9 blocks long and 4 wide
it leans on simple SteamPunk style
A simple, small airship around steampunk style.
Is a very simple airship it is
9 blocks long and 4 wide
it leans on simple SteamPunk style
Looks cool
Could you take a picture from the back?
Please don't advertise your MC server, I'll delete the comments right away.
Why no advertising is that somewhere that you are not allowed to...
does not hurt! :=)
It's just a site for ideas and not an advertising platform. Just accept it.
is very cute LIKE
Is not steampunk style
Very cool
( I'm sorry by the way that it is so badly rated 🙁 )
Is quite nice.But the balloon should be in steampunk colors(Orange,Black,Dark-
green).Is but still cool .