Truck Published by Chaosraider 3 comments 29 June 2016 3389 views Complexity: simple Truck"/> Truck chaosraider That's my truck. 3 COMMENTS Good, just missing a couple of headlights in the front 🙂 Reply isn't car Reply Unfortunately not very detailed. You can make out a truck, but it has - no headlights - no license plate - No grille Neutral. Reply LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Unfortunately not very detailed. You can make out a truck, but it has - no headlights - no license plate - No grille Neutral. Reply
Good, just missing a couple of headlights in the front 🙂
isn't car
Unfortunately not very detailed.
You can make out a truck, but it has
- no headlights
- no license plate
- No grille