Old fashioned school

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Old fashioned school"/>

Old fashioned school

A simple school:D



  1. Quite good in itself, from the outside the school looks very good though. Must be a very old one by the looks of it. LIKE from me.

    The Dirty Duck

  2. From the outside the building looks damn cool! From the inside, however, a bit narrow and I like the whole white not so. I find there suffers the 'old' again. But nice idea! L-I-K-E 8) 

  3. I find, both the idea, as well as the exterior facade quite good. Like MissWonderland said, all the quartz inside doesn't quite match the rest. But overall it's still worth a like 😀

  4. I think it's pretty cool but like MissWonderland said it's a bit tight which isn't that bad because if you rebuild it you can change it a bit too