This tower can be used as a watchtower or tower.
It is very suitable in airports.
You can also build it in red color (fire department) and blue color (police).(Gray is Security)
This tower can be used as a watchtower or tower.
It is very suitable in airports.
Nice idea, but unfortunately does not fit into my worlds TT.TT
Otherwise I think it's great
Nice, but I would build it a little bigger
A grey wool tower, 08/15 construction, and there are actually people who call it "beautiful". Oh man...
Original towers also look ncith exactly different... well, but is right.
well the design is so-so
Time ne question why do you always take wool? The burns but!
That is a good idea this tower with stone he looks determined even better but otherwise really Hammer
Idea is nice but! The implementation is a bit shit
Can.someone maybe tell me how long umd how.wide umd how.high the tower is because i want to rebuild it maemlich
A little small
Definitely a good idea!
Instead of wool I would use concrete (in GREY, RED, BLUE...)