Old car Published by tomi7604 2 comments 17 July 2016 3970 views Complexity: simple Old car"/> Old car tomi7604 A small, walk-in classic car. Here I have again a few pictures: From the back: From the inside: 2 COMMENTS Looks cool! Instead of the glowstone in the frames, maybe you could use glass (white) or redstone lights. Like! Reply @JeeBee thanks for the tip, I'll give it a try right away! Reply LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Looks cool! Instead of the glowstone in the frames, maybe you could use glass (white) or redstone lights. Like! Reply
Looks cool!
Instead of the glowstone in the frames, maybe you could use glass (white) or redstone lights.
@JeeBee thanks for the tip, I'll give it a try right away!