Automatic pumpkin / melon farm

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Automatic pumpkin / melon farm"/>

Automatic pumpkin / melon farm

The cobs automatically harvest the pumpkins or melons and push them into the river so that they are flushed to a collection point.

You can then collect the melons/pumpkins with a funnel. You can use the farm e.g. with a daylight sensor (see here) automatically harvest once a day without having to press a switch.


  1. In my opinion unfortunately quite inefficient... e.g. because parts of the "burst" melon can fall between the pistons or to the melon plants and the collecting at the end of the watercourse is no longer possible and one "may" collect these manually.
    Will present the days times my variant have registered me only today on this page^^

    Love Crimson

  2. If you want the automatic builds you CLocks that are perfectly timed =)

    the idea is beautiful ^^ I myself use the light sensors and funnels =) works perfectly 🙂

  3. You could have expanded that accordingly nicer, so that e.g. the Pistons come from ABOVE, instead of from the side. For this, however, you would have to rebuild your farm a bit, but otherwise quite nice idea.

  4. You probably mean the construction method that is in the Minecraft wiki at [[Farming/Pumpkin_and_Melon_Farm]] as (currently) first (which I put there, by the way). The disadvantage of that one is that you need twice as many cobs and it's also more complicated to build.