Chickens XP and meat farm

Complexity: simple
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Chickens XP and meat farm

An easy to build XP, meat and feather farm.

With this small, quickly built, farm you can easily farm XP, meat and feathers.

Short version: Eggs laid by chickens are collected and, once activated, shot out. You can then kill the resulting chickens.

Normal version: Chickens are spawned above the dispenser, on a hopper, when the dispenser (or the optional crates) is full the clock is turned on so that all eggs are thrown into the water, the chickens that then spawn are transported to a central point. When the chickens are fully grown they can be easily killed, either with a sword, fist or a damage potion.
I do it with the potion so die all at once. Meat, feathers and possibly eggs, are brought into a box via a dropper.
You just collect the XP.

Note, a double crate of eggs at the dispenser is enough for about 25 levels.

I myself use the farm on a survival server, there are about 15 chickens caged upstairs.


Comperator Clock, can be switched on and off with a lever.

Back, the repeater is not a must, the dispenser can also be controlled directly, but I use the repeater to regulate the speed of the eggs. A repeater on the last level throws the eggs in a normal pace. For servers, this is recommended because some servers could otherwise lag.

Here you can see the collection point for the chickens.


  1. Again.
    Learn to use Redstone properly.
    The comparator clock can be switched on and off with a right click.
    The clock should be built directly behind the launcher. This saves the Redstone line.
    Positive about the farm:
    -Extra food, why not fry it directly? ^^
    -Relative Compact
    -Survival Friendly
    Negative about the farm:
    -Very slightly effective [little XP].
    -Takes a long time to reuse.

    Note revenge treipunk and comma placement.
    Mal and all.

  2. Of course you can switch the Comparator on and off directly. And of course you can save redstone and slap everything directly to the dispenser. This is only a rough construction of the farm, no more and no less. For example, I prefer to build Redstone behind a wall, hence the lever.

    Could you fry the meat? Sure but primarily it is about the XP not about the meat. If you let the chickens die e.g. by fire or lava so that the meat sears you get no more XP.

    Sure you could still intercept the meat via droppper and take it directly to an oven.
    You could also have the chicks spawn on a halfslap, on a hopper, above which is lava, once they grow they burn and give roasted meat.

    But like I said, that's not primarily what this is about. It is mainly a cheap and efficient XP farm.

    Little XP I think is a rumor. I just used it again and have come from 0 to 33 level. Show me another farm that can do that in 20 minutes, with a damage potion, without the need to add a crusher.

    Sure it takes until the chickens are grown but on a survival server you have the time, you don't even have to be nearby if you build this farm in a basement in a city. People are always there, chunks are loaded, the chickens grow. In the time you can do something else.

    With other XP mob farms you may stand around for 20 minutes afk so that enough mobs are spawned for a pair of XP. With this farm I have in 2 days completely Dia armor, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, bow and fishing can enchant to level 30. Effort practically non-existent.

  3. 1. rough setup is actually not dumb for beginners. That's right, I never thought of that before. The clock, however, is better this way.
    Two. All behind walls? I should think about it...
    3rd direct kill by lava I didn't mean, 2nd point was correct then.
    Otherwise, as I said, there would be no experience points.
    4. that with the step is a great tip! I'll give it a try.
    5. i play SkyBlock, which means there are not players everywhere nearby. So I would have to stand next to them.
    Additionally, I can't get a damage potion here anytime soon.
    6. how many chickens do you kill at once? Please count [e.g. the meat after one pass].
    7. upload a screenshot of your chicken spawn place sometime, I have no idea how to do that well.

    This is how it looks on my end. Behind the wall, behind the switch, is the clock that powers a dispenser. By the way, I do not do it on the server with the chickens above the box. If you're not there for a while, there are thousands of eggs lying around that no longer fit into the boxes.
    So I refill the box by hand when I need to.
    The chickens arrive there on the 3*3 Hopper field. Simply for the case when they come to lay eggs that these are caught, with a Hopper would be filled too quickly together with boxes. (Believe me I have expanded it to the bottom and that was about 20 double boxes that were full after one day).

    Somehow the yield was just below average. I have now "only" got 102 meat. Normal are about 3 stacks with a double box of eggs.

    To Skyblock, you do not have to stand around, so far you do not move there 😀 The chunk is actually always loaded. With Skyblock but I would rather put on the "Roasted Meat" farm, XP you do not necessarily need so much. Will I think times build and submit a 😀