Parish Hall

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Parish Hall"/>

Parish Hall

A modern community center that can be found in advanced villages or towns.

Building time:2 hours (I needed)

This parish hall is mainly made of stone brick and red sandstone.
The windows are equipped with white-tinted glass.
With stone brick steps I made 6 rings around the whole house as decoration.
Outside there is a path, a kind of terrace, where people can sit on benches and enjoy the fresh air.
With the following pictures I can give you a better impression.

The house from the inside. Many tables and chairs for nice celebrations.
Glownstone in the floor makes the home glow.A huge chandelier is one of the highlights in this home.

A stage right in front of all the tables where people can show their talents.

The house from the back.
Trees and fountains create an exuberant atmosphere for the guests.

The house from the side.

The Has from above with a view of the roof.

That's what I made of it with a little time and creativity.


  1. You have a good hand for buildings and you give yourself in the description effort I'm looking forward to more of you the your other projects are also really successful! Denoch has Luckyluke right it is really inside like an opera house ^^ 😀 Get a Like!