Container port

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Container port"/>

Container port

A container port with a berth for a (compared to real) small container ship.

The heart of this rather decorative structure is the container crane. This "drives" over rails up to the container unloading area.

The port has no real practical sense, but fits well in a larger city. We built it on our Creative server, which is why you can see some stuff around it.

The container ship:
It consists of quartz blocks and different coloured wool.
Pretty simple.

The container crane:
Made of wool, iron and glowstone.
The crane pulpit with the crane module consists of stone half-steps and fences. These then carry the container (wool cuboid).

The container area:
Simple in itself. Different colored wool cuboids represent containers.
Since the crane can "ride" on rails over the surface, trap doors are mounted above the rails as fall protection. These are optionally opened or closed with Redstone and a lever.
The lamps between the containers have a day/night switching. This consists of an inverted daylight sensor and an approx. 7 blocks long redstone track. Then they go on in the evening and off in the morning.