An open car for decoration purposes.
You Need:
- Stone Slabs
- Staired Clay (any color) + (4x Black Staired Clay)
- Stairs (any kind) + (I recommend Quartz)
- Glass Pane's (no matter what color)
- Buttons (stone)
- Snow layer (arrangement 1 -> 2 -> 3
- 2 shields As numbers shield (if you so kindly resist write "127070" on the shield, thank you!)
Cool idea but is the video still coming ?
have totally forgotten the video should come in the next 4-5 days, sry 😀
hehe that would be cool mine are always too deep gelegn =D
joar I neheme the today and upload it today or tomorrow! 😀
something might have changed in the "new" model, a screen is also already prepared, only needs to be unlocked,
MfG 127070
here the does on youtube:
Mhh iwie already doof your convertible back at the roof goes yes only if you irgent nen hack drinne has or ? because I can stack mats nothing so O.o
and thus it would be still net ma creativ suitable O.o
Yuck. Nothing more.
Reaper911211, which version of Minecraft do you have, and you can as far as I know in the 1.7.10 snow layer Craften;
O = Nothing OOO
X = snow blocks OOO
and snow blocks 4×4 snowballs in inv.
thebigsmile what do you mean by "Yuck. Nothing more." ? write what you do not like bissl more detailed, thank you!
i use the version 1.7.10 or so which is the one before 1.8 =D
the thing is I can't stack this snow on top of each other like you did in the video so that it lies on top of each other
Reaper with me it always worked, here the ID from Snowlayer: 78
/give 78 or /give @a 78
and, it is a vanilla block, which means it is NOT re-modded or hacked.
looks like a sedan, less like a convertible, still like
What is with this cow there. Should eigendlich fit into the convertible. ROOM ROOM
I think it's a bit too long but nevertheless I write even now (because it's good): "LIKE".