Escape/supply tunnel

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Escape/supply tunnel"/>

Escape/supply tunnel

Tunnels that connect each building underground.

With these tunnels it is possible to move freely from one building to the next at night without being surprised by creepers and the like. They are quickly built and can be expanded at will.


  1. I always thought I'm the only one who builds something like this xD By the way, they are very very funny to build when you live in a desert -.-

  2. Knows one actually already, but looks nice here, so Like.
    An alternative to lighted surface streets, but harder to build.
    However, could be an advantage on servers, because you can also escape from players unnoticed. Best if the entrance to the tunnel is also hidden.

  3. The tunnels are sufficiently illuminated 🙂 
    For a while there were real sieges on the PS4. Zombies, Creeper and various were on the road in masses. So I just built underground connections.