A fountain that you can build on a shore or harbor.
It is a fountain that you can build for example at a harbour or on a shore.
The iron grates, redstone flares and stone blocks make the structure look more detailed.
The tower must be in the water and can be as high as you want.1. simply build straight up at the point. (e.g. with earth)
2. then place a bucket of water on top, and dismantle the tower again.
3. at the bottom build the "pump" (on the picture a dispenser with funnel) and a small border with iron grids and redstone flares.
-> Done =)
So it looks a bit unusual, maybe you could have built some blocks in the fountain.
You can still tinker with it a little yourself 😉 Should only be the basic principle. ^^
It's a single block of water. Really elaborate idea. Why is that "means"?
I thought because of the iron bars and the Redstone flares. But you're actually right.
That would go much cooler with command blocks, but well, that doesn't look good. That's so, weird. Dislike!
Fountain sounds a little inappropriate. "Geyser" might be a better fit, don't you think?
It shoots up at certain times, e.g. on Iceland.
It was originally called "Fountain" but was then renamed "Fountain" because there are already so many fountains. =D
Not the prettiest or most imaginative idea.
You're right. I'll have a look around some worlds of mine soon. Let's see if I find something. 😉
But you should rather build on land and sell as a geyser or you builds on a whale xD