Fountain with hero statue

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Fountain with hero statue"/>

Fountain with hero statue

A fountain of glowstone, water and stone with a statue of a hero and his animals.


First you build a 7x7 well with a 3x3 high column in the middle.
Then in the middle, according to the Excalibur principle, comes a block with a sword:
Before that with the cheat

/summon ArmorStand ~ ~ {ShowArms:1}

an armor stand with arms and the head of a player with the cheat:

/give @p skull 1 3 {SkullOwner: * }
*enter player name here

Then you can add armor, animals or other decoration as you like.
Here are some pictures with Texture Pack (Dragon Dance):
And in the evening:


  1. The fountain could have been made nicer, but the idea is good. :I
    To make it really a statue, you could still take the AI away from the dogs with an EntityData command, somehow /entitydata Wolf {NoAI:1} or something. But then I would feel too sorry for that 🙂 Like

  2. @GermanCrafter
    @JeeBee That was an oversight and not intentional, I didn't even know a fountain figure already existed. Otherwise I wouldn't have posted this online. I'm sorry it seems stolen.