Free Fall Tower

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Free Fall Tower"/>

Free Fall Tower

This idea is good for getting from the top to the bottom. More pictures in the description.

It's actually not hard to build this idea, because it's also suitable in survival mode.
It is actually just a shaft where you fall down. The special thing is that you are "caught" by ladders at the bottom:


You only need to place 3 ladders at the bottom, as you can see on the screenshot.
The ladders at the end of the "fall move" slow the player down so that he doesn't hit the ground unbraked and die.

Here the whole thing seen again from the inside:


Is something unclear? Then please write your questions or suggestions in the comments. THANK YOU! πŸ˜‰

PS: The name of the thing is perhaps a bit strange, right? Can you think of a better name?
I knew no other. πŸ˜‰ The tips please in the comments.


  1. I don't know how it is now, but in the past you could always accidentally land on the ladder and then you stumbled too. That's why I always use water with a shield underneath.

  2. Yes Luke that still goes, that's why you take lianas or even water+shield for it.

    Why 3 ladders is also a mystery to me, a ladder has the same effect.