Functioning hammer mill

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Functioning hammer mill"/>

Functioning hammer mill

A movement with a movable hammer. Fits well in medieval villages or towns.

The working area with iron and coal blocks, anvil and the hammer (instructions below).

The hammer is switched on and off with a lever.

Above the workshop is a living area.

The hammer mill is driven by a water wheel.


And so the hammer mill is built:

Here you can switch the movement on and off.

- - -
The piston interrupts the redstone conduction in the rhythm.

-  -
The hammer moves up and down.

The circuit is hidden in a building.


  1. I have to say, that fits really well and makes the whole thing a bit more lively ^^
    And it's not even too complicated (in my opinion, not everyone here seems to feel that way).
    In short: From's a Like!

  2. Looks great, have the replicated for my medieval village. With the water you have to try around a bit until it fits, but it works. Only the Redstone apparatus I have omitted, that is not my strength:angel: