An armchair you can really sit down on. Based on an invisible horse.
/summon EntityHorse ~ ~0.5 ~ { Type:1, ChestedHorse:1, NoAI:1, Silent:1b, Tame:1, Invulnerable:1, Rotation:[270f,0f], CustomName: "Armchair", ActiveEffects: [ { Id:14, Amplifier:0, Ambient:0, ShowParticles:0b, Duration:2000000000 } ]}
Build a staircase. Under it set a Command_Block and enter the command.
/summon EntityHorse ~ ~0.37 ~ {Type:1,Variant:14,NoAI:1b,Silent:1b,Tame:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Rotation:[270f,0f],CustomName: "Armchair"}
Rotation and CustomName do not need to be specified. The relative height can be changed, but 0.37 looks correct.
Hint: Get used to the correct spellings (e.g. 1b), because you might get into trouble with inventories and other things.
In addition, you could also add CustomNameVisible:1b.
I've seen this before, but great to see it in here now.
Really cool makes my single player world even more beautiful thanks
wow somehow just sow long no new idea came
Thank you!
because you are not sitting on the chair but in the air^^
Hey, you built this like me too 😉 .
This somehow does not work.He says: Could not create object