Futuristic sphere house

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Futuristic sphere house"/>

Futuristic sphere house

A house with a roof garden in a glass sphere.

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You can enter the house via a teleporter, but only if you know the 4-digit code.

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first of all the usual 'standard' cuisine

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Living room and bedroom

the bathroom with shower

and the roof garden.

The light can be switched on and off in every room for the whole house, including the outside light, which is additionally always on at night.


see you soon πŸ™‚


  1. yes that happens quickly ... just rebuild the circles and make sure that some layers must be built "multiple" ... otherwise it does not fit ... but you can see that actually^^
    tip: first build a basic framework (sphere x,y,z)

  2. @Reaper911211
    probably ... you should take an odd number for sphere anyway so that it is really as round as possible ...
    but mine is also only 19x19x19 ... was very small ... just in advance ...
    if you really want to build something like slomo here you should build larger in any case

  3. Tip for people who want to build this and have a perfect sphere.


    In the program you can select a sphere and specify how big it should be.
    The program then shows you layer by layer what you have to build for it.

    It is a standalone program which has no influence on the game itself.

    I use it myself and am currently building the sphere with a radius of 50 from glass