A house with a roof garden in a glass sphere.
You can enter the house via a teleporter, but only if you know the 4-digit code.
first of all the usual 'standard' cuisine
Living room and bedroom
the bathroom with shower
and the roof garden.
The light can be switched on and off in every room for the whole house, including the outside light, which is additionally always on at night.
see you soon π
that is times ne horny idea π
will be copied directly!
screenshot will follow soon π

Ah cool idea
a build tutorial would be awesome =D
cool idea
Thanks so much and glad you like it!
for what area you like a tutorial? I can gladly make a few screenshot.
why n tutorial? just take the circle templates and build on it ^^
ahh ok I tried to build the GLaskugel *cough*egg shape*cough* =D that's why I asked for nem tut but I tryma jetze with the picture of SNuffer =)
yes that happens quickly ... just rebuild the circles and make sure that some layers must be built "multiple" ... otherwise it does not fit ... but you can see that actually^^
tip: first build a basic framework (sphere x,y,z)
Reminds me of Under the Dome.
Snuffer am just about to rebuild it on a 16Γ16 surface and I think that's too small =D
probably ... you should take an odd number for sphere anyway so that it is really as round as possible ...
but mine is also only 19x19x19 ... was very small ... just in advance ...
if you really want to build something like slomo here you should build larger in any case
What kind of world do you live in?
Is anyone thinking of Sandy's dome in Spongebob??:D
so I give up the construction of the KUpel xD with me it will only eggs =D
So sandys dome I have not thought but if you're already talking about spongebob houses then look at the,, dum-dum skull skinner! π
@ Reaper911211 if you do not get it like me for that there are also mods
Cool, but the sphere was too complicated for me. I have rather built a square :-)
#WORLDEDIT was used π
hammergeile idea, really! LIKE!
@KmunHD WorldEdit in Survival ?
Hammer idea have also built something similar really nice like

Hammer, aufjedenfall a must in a futuristic city like especially No 3
How are you supposed to build this giant glass ball :O
Tip for people who want to build this and have a perfect sphere.
In the program you can select a sphere and specify how big it should be.
The program then shows you layer by layer what you have to build for it.
It is a standalone program which has no influence on the game itself.
I use it myself and am currently building the sphere with a radius of 50 from glass
How awesome, is that also possible with the PS3 edition, the part with the glass, yes, but the one with the teleporter?
And Silverhawk1988 the link geth not with me.