Horse stable with small run

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Horse stable with small run"/>

Horse stable with small run

A horse stable with two stalls, a chest for e.g. saddles and a small run for the horses.

Horse stable with thatched roof

-> A horse stable with two stalls; a chest for e.g. saddle etc. and a small run for the horses.

- The idea is only presented here as a test, still have a lot of much better Bawerke etc. in stock, which I will upload vll. later times. - — 🙂

Some more pictures: [Info: Texturepack used: Life HD
(e.g. tropical wood doors but not compatible - hence the standard game "skin")

                                    ……..sorry the next time these are also without texturepack... : )]
(please don't be irritated by the crazy looking buildings in the background, xD)


I think it's all showing.:D

The idea is also only presented here as a test, I still have a lot of much better Bawerke etc. in stock.
which I may upload later.... -> -> ->


Well definitely see you here again soon, looking forward to comments from you....
MfG TheMinecrafter ;)