
Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Fair"/>


A fair with an archery range, an armor stand shooting range, a rainbow bonfire, a lucky machine and a trampoline.

A lot of redstone and more is hidden behind it. Ca 7-8 stacks. Also, you have to spend an iron for 5 market tokens (gold nuggets) at the beginning... Perfect for multiplayer servers. You can build it in 3 styles: Medieval, Contemporary, or both together. Have fun building it. From Der_Builder for you...

For the search: Kirmes


For the luck machine you need a Randommaschiene and iron and a pair of Pistons and Sticky Pistons for the trampoline you need 9 Slimeblocks 4 Repeater with a different delay which are all connected to the 4 sides of a Sticky Pistons aßerdem you also need 12 Obsidian and buttons the rainbow beacon is too much to write, just try it out... The house is there to get to all the machines and for decoration.


  1. Sorry but this has nothing to do with a fair.
    It's part of a decent fair:
    Autoscooter (realizable as a boat scooter, there is a manual somewhere here)
    Coloured lighting (realisable with Redstone lamps)
    Roller coaster (realizable with rails)
    Shooting ranges 1 vs. 1 where redstone is wired in
    especially Minecraft: other minigames

    @xxluke you're only partially right cause I don't see any attractions here

  2. There the operator makes times a bad business...the visitor pays an iron, gets for it 5 goldnuggets...

    ...and will not use the tokens again at the stand afterwards but can take them with him and make a good deal