A stepped mine site with cranes, mine shafts, and more.
Everywhere there are entrances to mine shafts (with and without rails), piles of minerals and logs; further back there are some coal blocks and the flowing water leads to a natural cave system.
From the back, a mine car crosses a small bridge to a filling station (which doesn't work like that, but if you want, you can easily rebuild it); the crane leads down to a pit where iron ore is being mined.
During the digging one discovered "by chance" an old, overgrown temple entrance.
The cranes are based on the one here https://minecraft-bauideen.de/1027-Kleiner-Bootskran only they have a small cab, which looks like this from the inside
Next to the mine is a materials store, with blocks of coal, gold and iron, and logs of wood
And of course a small port of loading may not be missing either
horny minengelende;)
Thx ^^
Are you on vacation or do you not go to school yet because you posted this at 9 o'clock today?
Really cool!
Looks great ?
@ matthi94 Interesting what people wonder about....
Nicth the best, aaa..but...it's the idea that counts.
@thebigsmileXD Then show me how you would do it!
Very cool and super suitable also for survival
BIG FAT LIKE! Really cool idea. Will I rebuild if it's right (remains on nem private server). Have the idea so not yet seen executed.
Do what you want with the idea
Nice if you like it ^^
Great idea
replica needs
really cool
Really great.
I'll get right on it.
@matthi94 the idea will be uploaded automatically, it just needs to be approved by xxluke
You have to have the idea first
The temple can not be overgrown because nothing grows under the earth anyway like
hey write me if you have good ideas i have a server if enough stuff is on it i might upload the map and you made a lot of effort thats good really great idea
like look at myz
very very very very cool. I have nachgebauts (without worldedit) and it looks almost exactly like that . has taken forever. but has been worth it.:D
Now my seever is deleted.:'(
Very very cool idea LIKE
Just a small suggestion: On the cover picture you can see that the side walls are completely regular and smooth. I think that would be nicer if you would make it a little more irregular (more natural) or build some decoration or something.
@Nameless That's exactly how it's meant to be, because even in real (above ground) mines the walls are often steep and slippery.
@Raccoon Ok
just an idea :angel:
So horny 3000 LIKES