Large mine site

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Large mine site"/>

Large mine site

A stepped mine site with cranes, mine shafts, and more.

Everywhere there are entrances to mine shafts (with and without rails), piles of minerals and logs; further back there are some coal blocks and the flowing water leads to a natural cave system.

From the back, a mine car crosses a small bridge to a filling station (which doesn't work like that, but if you want, you can easily rebuild it); the crane leads down to a pit where iron ore is being mined.

During the digging one discovered "by chance" an old, overgrown temple entrance.

The cranes are based on the one here only they have a small cab, which looks like this from the inside

Next to the mine is a materials store, with blocks of coal, gold and iron, and logs of wood

And of course a small port of loading may not be missing either


  1. hey write me if you have good ideas i have a server if enough stuff is on it i might upload the map and you made a lot of effort thats good really great idea

  2. very very very very cool. I have nachgebauts (without worldedit) and it looks almost exactly like that . has taken forever. but has been worth it.:D

    Now my seever is deleted.:'(

  3. Very very cool idea LIKE 😀
    Just a small suggestion: On the cover picture you can see that the side walls are completely regular and smooth. I think that would be nicer if you would make it a little more irregular (more natural) or build some decoration or something.