A lava-lit path or road, which, depending on the construction method, can also serve as a floor heating system.
This road is lit with lava and "kept warm".
Here are two cross sections:
With underfloor heating:
although the first one makes more sense in a house.
this is what it looks like at night:
even if this is quite simple to obtain it is rather less good for survival because you need a lot of lava.
Does it actually keep snow off?
@Raccoon do not know you have to test
Well, I like the street lanterns better.
@WarriorCats yes I've got something new for ne future city needed and wanted to build no normal streetlight but something strange as lighting. So I came up with it.
soas anyone can that is LANGWEILIG DISLIKE
@Raccoon Yes it does. (Light level 9 melts snow, lava has LLvl 15).
I would have gone with Orange or Red glass...or Grey, it matches the street and gives a good effect.
@thebigsmileXD Thanks for the info ^^
@thebigsmileXD ok thx for the tip
@Blueberry234 since anyone can build it the complexity is yes on easy, just not everyone necessarily comes up with it.