A maypole - which stands all year round, but fits into any city.
My maypole stands on a place specially erected for it. Instead of the usual coats of arms I put signs with inscriptions of professions, places and businesses of my world. On top I have put two Glowstones.
Sry, but this looks anything but beautiful and is not recognizable as a maypole without a designation.
The maypoles I know look different....
What kind of a mess is that picture?
I just saw a bunch of maypoles the other day when I was in Munich and this bears little resemblance to them.
Very dark and really badly implemented!
on the picture you can not see anything because in the background is much too much stuff I ask to insert a second picture on which you can see it better
The Maypole is a disgrace to our Free State
I think it's beautiful. The lights in the back are the marker from the end of your town, right? Everything I think is beautiful in this picture. If you did everything in Survival, kudos to you! (Especially all those diamond blocks).