Minecart elevator

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Minecart elevator"/>

Minecart elevator

For those who want a fast elevator, this is exactly what you need: an elevator that works exclusively with Minecarts!

This elevator is a mixture of the water elevator and a Minecart track that leads to the top. Because it works with Minecarts and tracks but without water. In addition, it runs at an angle.

This lift is, as I said, suitable for people who need a fast lift, or who want to build something special or rare into their house.

The operation is also a little different. You aim at the first mincart and click so often with the right mouse button on the following minecarts until you are on top. To be fast you should not shake the mouse.


Like the water elevator the Minecart elevator consists of single, equal parts of which you need more and more, the higher you want to have the elevator (see picture).

Finally: To prevent the Minecarts from falling out from time to time, you can build another block on 3 of the 4 sides. Whose elevator runs up-right (as in the picture), builds the blocks right, in front and behind the Minecart.


  1. I have a suggestion for improvement: If you arrange the mnecarts differently, you can build a 1×1 elevator, which needs less space. You need a + of any material, where the middle and one of the sides must be open. Now you build a ladder in the middle at head height, seen from the ground. On top of it you put a block with a rail, on the rail you put a minecart. Destroy the block under the minecart and it lies on the ladder. You have to bring it up a few times to the desired height. If mann then stands under the first Minecart, mann must only click up ;D