Minecraft apartment building Published by ReCabLE 10 comments 14 February 2016 6763 views Complexity: simple Minecraft apartment building"/> Minecraft apartment building rekable A medium sized apartment building for a large city. Instructions: 10 COMMENTS How long does it take?! Reply It took me 2 days to get there 🙂 Reply Thank you!! Reply What materials did you use for it ? Reply Orange colored clay, quartz, stone, white glass and iron grid Reply Looks good, I like it! Can you post pics of the inside? Thanks! 😉 Reply The inside of the buildings are empty, since that would be too much for me to do if I still had to equip all the houses in my city 🙂 Reply Cool town! But how did you make the lines on the road? Reply This is another texture for acceleration rails. Reply Great city would also like to have such a but I'm not fun to build cities Reply LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
The inside of the buildings are empty, since that would be too much for me to do if I still had to equip all the houses in my city 🙂 Reply
How long does it take?!
It took me 2 days to get there 🙂
Thank you!!
What materials did you use for it ?
Orange colored clay, quartz, stone, white glass and iron grid
Looks good, I like it! Can you post pics of the inside? Thanks! 😉
The inside of the buildings are empty, since that would be too much for me to do if I still had to equip all the houses in my city 🙂
Cool town! But how did you make the lines on the road?
This is another texture for acceleration rails.
Great city would also like to have such a but I'm not fun to build cities