Medieval house Published by stefm90 14 comments November 7, 2015 5346 views Complexity: simple Medieval house"/> Medieval house stefm90 A proposal for a medieval house. If you have a medieval theme then here is an idea for a house. 14 COMMENTS Cool! The Middle Ages again! Because of you I'm starting another new world Reply Why don't you... ...the flag of Germany again and again? Reply Why not @Brabrax? Do you have something against our flag? Reply Doesn't look bad, that with the acacia wood is also a good idea , looks good. Reply The point is that 'our flag' does not belong in the Middle Ages. Reply Medieval is only the building style not the time, the flag is totally irrelevant @Brabrax Reply All right, the architectural style. But then everything has to match. And this flag doesn't. Reply Flag is gone now ...:angel: Reply Biiiiitttte more pictures of the outside, very nice house, like 🙂 Reply is ürgend like very successful Like Reply thumbs up Reply Looks good. I would have taken perhaps rather spruce wood instead of acacia wood. Reply 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 LIKES Reply Very nice I find the Germany flag above finally it is the flag of Germany !I think that is national pride Jack 2-2 respect Reply LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 LIKES Reply
Very nice I find the Germany flag above finally it is the flag of Germany !I think that is national pride Jack 2-2 respect Reply
The Middle Ages again!
Because of you I'm starting another new world
Why don't you...
...the flag of Germany again and again?
Why not @Brabrax? Do you have something against our flag?
Doesn't look bad, that with the acacia wood is also a good idea , looks good.
The point is that 'our flag' does not belong in the Middle Ages.
Medieval is only the building style not the time, the flag is totally irrelevant @Brabrax
All right, the architectural style. But then everything has to match. And this flag doesn't.
Flag is gone now ...:angel:
Biiiiitttte more pictures of the outside, very nice house, like 🙂
is ürgend like very successful Like
thumbs up
Looks good. I would have taken perhaps rather spruce wood instead of acacia wood.
Very nice I find the Germany flag above finally it is the flag of Germany !I think that is national pride Jack 2-2 respect