Office building

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Office building"/>

Office building

A simple building in a modern style.


The basic construction consists of a rectangular frame made of stone. This one builds 2 floors high. Then you build in front on both sides diagonally to the left and then connect this with a wall so that it looks like the following picture. You also build this 2 floors high. When you have the floor and the roof in/on it you start with the boss floor this is almost exactly like the basic framework only that the wall this time only on one side (right) diagonally pulled to the left and the other wall is built further so that they connect.

Here is a list of the materials:

Stone possibly paving stone

Acacia wood


Have fun building

If you have any questions, just post them in the comments ;-)



  1. Yes, the set up is such a thing I can do that but I usually nothing comes to mind. Ok I'll think about it and then I put a photo with setup purely. 😉