At the front are wooden buttons behind Redstone torches. If an arrow hits the wooden button, the redstone torch is deactivated. In itself useless but warns of attacking enemies.
At the front are wooden buttons behind Redstone torches. If an arrow hits the wooden button, the redstone torch is deactivated. In itself useless but warns of attacking enemies.
good for a server
Doesn't this idea actually just explain the function of a push button?
A border of pressure plates serves the same purpose and is more than twice as effective.
And by the way, what are the chances of an arrow "accidentally" hitting the button and not the block?
Exactly. The idea is useless and not useful and pointless and garbage and.... Thanks @Raccoon
Now you're getting to the point where people are uploading buttons with red flares behind 'em.
Why would anyone actually shoot arrows at a wall during an attack?
Plus there are "random" (cough,cough) buttons on it?
@Brogamer is right 😀
useless as a mobdetector, for multiplayer quite funny. you can connect counters to it to count the hits
If there was a moving block, then you could practice shooting arrows at moving targets when you connect Zestrod's counter to it.