Player Scare Trap

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Player Scare Trap"/>

Player Scare Trap

When you open the door with the button in front of this little quartz house, you will be surprised by a stand of armour running towards you.

The cross section in the big picture shows everything. When you press the button, the door opens and a piston is triggered which pushes the armor stand onto the player by means of a slime block.


My figure is an armor stand with arms (command: /summon ArmorStand ~ ~ {ShowArms:1}), with diamond sword, iron armor and herobrine head (command: /give @p skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:Herobrine} ) I hope you like my idea.


  1. Funny idea! ^^
    It's just a shame that it can't be reset with the push of a button.

    @usj98 However, if you have an iron door, you can see through it (assuming you don't have a TP covering that peephole).

  2. @Raccoon - It's just a shame that it can't be reset with the push of a button.

    Wrong thought! With a little bit of commando stuff, it's already possible!

    Design 3/5
    Benefit 2/5
    Cool 5/5
    = 10/15 P
    = Grade 2


  3. Nice, but best to get the armor rack with the command:
    /summon ArmorStand x y z {ShowArms:1,NoBasePlate:1,DisabledSlots:2039583,Equipment:[{id:diamond_sword},{id:iron_boots},{id:iron_leggings},{id:iron_chestplate},{id:skull,Damage:3,tag:{SkullOwner:MHF_Herobrine}}]}

    Namely, if you spawn him with this command, the player who was scared can't get the armor or the slidesword πŸ˜€