Possible applications for TNT cannons

Complexity: simple
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Possible applications for TNT cannons

TNT guns are well known and not exactly new on this site. But here are a few new ideas that go from recreational fun to senseless slaughter of animals.


This TNT gun should be familiar to most of you. It is the simplest. Redstone ignites TNT and they fling a block of TNT pretty far. Now, what if a player stands on the step? Then it flies away. Just like the TNT block, but without TNT damage (but later with falling damage if you don't land in water). A single TNT block as a charge is even enough to transport you up a whole 10 blocks! Such a row then of course much more. But for any megalomaniac like me, that's not enough. What now? Second TNT row! And third! And fourth!


However, this, being stacked, doesn't work exactly the same as before. First, we need another row that doesn't supply anyone with redstone (lapis blocks). They make sure that the top TNT blocks don't fall on the redstone line of the ones below and destroy everything. And also, you have to prevent a higher TNT block from falling on the level and causing havoc there as well. So (unfortunately) you'll have to leave out the foremost TNT vertical. But before you megalomaniac TNT freaks start complaining, you can stand on that block for it and you'll keep getting fired up.

Now of course it's fun to let yourself be flung very high (and far). Of course you can set more levels behind the level to get a weaker effect, the rather imprecise values for this I have here below:

In the actual position (the last block that is reached with water, so the one where there is no TNT) you even get up to 70 blocks far and 120 high! (my record with the 4-story cannon is an incredible 223m!)

Now, of course, you can also put NPCs in. These die in contrast to the player, but flying pigs are also funny 🙂 Unfortunately, I have not found a way to prevent the animals to break out without it would affect the effect of the cannon, so they can still flee, what I have but like you here very difficult with soul sand and levels. So they can still run away, so after you have transported the (victim) animal with leash or lore, do it quickly!


Well, have a nice flight.


Let's summarize: You can be fired high/far with it and you have to land in the water. What am I thinking of, of course? Swimming pool. This one type of use really appeals to me and is good for any outdoor pool fun. By the way, here on the picture the TNT cannon is only 2-storey. But always make sure that you have enough space at the top to launch it! Otherwise you will hit your head. (By the way, my version looks like a tank. Would be an idea too...)


For space agencies and spaceports this compact but very effective vertical launcher is also suitable


It's also a very inefficient, but fun means of transportation that lets you fly over a mountain for just a few TNT. You can also elegantly avoid obstacles and storm castles or create connections between two mountains without connecting them directly (although you can't exactly aim here).

And what else is very nasty? That's right! Traps! Imagine on a multiplayer server someone innocently walks across the meadow and suddenly "Boooom" and you've been thrown 200 blocks into the air. But there I do not want to limit your imagination with pictures, but is also rather only suitable for admins to troll but still...

Those were all my ideas then, I hope you will not rate this badly just because it is a TNT gun (these are rather unpopular on this site judging by the ratings) and I would be happy if you tell me what your record is in shooting high and you write more ideas in the comments. Who knows, maybe it will help others...


  1. And here is another picture of the "Bugger". It has a total of 20 TNT rows, so room to load 120 TNT chunks, and took me to a whopping 1,700 feet above the surface. "Bugger" it's called because after my first attempt, I got stuck in a chunk that hadn't loaded yet and wouldn't load. After restarting the world, however, it worked again and after a few modifications I no longer had the problem.
